Note: Small Boat Series (SB1) rescheduled to 08 April
Note: Small Boat Series (SB1) rescheduled to 08 April
International One Metre Class (IOM)
The International One Metre (IOM) is the most popular of the international classes. As its name suggests, the maximum permitted length is 1 metre.
The boats are light, responsive and fun to sail. The class is sailed regularly at most clubs in the UK and by around 15,000 owners world-wide.
The Class Rules are ‘closed’, which means that anything not specifically permitted by the rules is prohibited. Restrictions are placed on many aspects of design, materials and construction, in an attempt to promote close competition and also enable the DIY enthusiast to construct an inexpensive yet competitive boat. Development of the hull, fin, ballast and rudder is allowed but the three permitted rigs are all one-design.
With the smallest rig, the IOM is able to sail in wind speeds of up to 35 knots.
Cick the graphic for IOM Rig details.

The Marblehead is another of the International classes. The boats are either radio-controlled or free sailed using vane -controlled steering. The Class Rules are ‘open’, which means that anything is permitted provided it is not specifically prohibited by the rules. This allows great freedom of design and construction within the main parameters that determine speed.
These are a maximum length of 1290mm, draught 700mm and 0.5161 sq metres of measured sail. Ultimate efficiency and excellent performance has been developed within these simple limits.
Current hull designs are very narrow, with stability coming largely from the deep fins. This has allowed post-1991 designs to remain competitive and to give very close racing.
These boats are light, responsive and very fast. They are easy to transport, because the rules are based on the width of the back seat of a car. Simple Swing rigs make them easy to rig.

The RG65 is an open development class for 65cm long radio controlled yachts which means that anything not mentioned in the rules is allowed. The simple rules are designed to encourage people to try new ideas at a modest cost.
Plus points for the class are:
Light weight - around 1kg.
Compact enough to fit in a small car fully rigged.
No need for special heavy duty sail servos.
Visit the RG65 UK Class Association wesbite for more information:

The DF95 is becoming popular as an introduction to Model Yacht Racing.
Complete Kits (including Radio components) can be purchased that require simple assembly to be Ready to Sail in a matter of a few hours.
The completed yacht “fully rigged" could fit in a family car.
Visit the DF Class Racing UK Class Association website ( for more details

Scale Models
Scale models are very welcome on our lake provided that they are low speed, sail or electric powered boats. IC power, high speed electric and steam are not permitted.